Name of Cat You Are Applying For*
Please list all current people residing in your household, please also include their relation to you (i.e. mother, husband, child, etc.). *
Are all household members aware of and agree to this adoption? *
Have you ever been convicted or accused of animal cruelty and/or neglect? *
Have you ever surrendered an animal to be re-homed / adopted / turned over to Animal Control / or any animal welfare organization? *
Do you own or rent your home? *
What company do you work for?
What is your position with the company you work for?
How long have you lived at your current residence *
Do you plan to move within the next 12 months? *
Does anyone in your household have allergies to cats? *
Do your current pets get along well with other animals? *
Are all of your current personal pets up to date on immunizations, heartworm preventative flea/tick preventative? *
Are your current personal pets spayed/neutered? *
Have any pets in your home, past or present, been diagnosed with an infectious disease (Fel Leuk/FIL/FIV/Heartworms/Distemper/Parvo/Coccidia/Mange)? *
Do any of your personal pets have a bite history or history of aggression? *
What do all adults in the household do for a living?
How many hours a day will your new pet be left alone? *
Do you travel frequently? *
What will you do if your new pet has an accident inside your home? *
Are there any behaviors you are NOT willing to work with? (ie, destructive, claws furniture, aggressive, potty training, etc.): *
Under what conditions would you consider declawing a cat? *
Will this cat be kept outdoor, indoor/outdoor or inside? *
Have you considered any extra necessities the rescue animal you are applying for may require?*
Would you be willing to get pet insurance (it averages about $20 a month, covers your cat’s yearly needs and up to 90% of surgeries) *
What do you feel is the appropriate form of discipline when your pet acts out (ie, playing too hard, scratching furniture, pottying outside the litter box etc.)? *
Please list the number of animals (dogs, cats, other) NOT CURRENTLY OWNED, but owned within the last five years: *
What happened to these animals? *
Current Veterinarian or Animal Care Clinic: *
Clinic's business phone: *
Number of years you have used this clinic: *
Please list the name of a non-relative personal reference: *
Reference's phone number: *
Number of years you have known this person: *
How much per month do you expect to spend on your new animal? *
Are instructions for your pets in your will regarding to whom they should go?
How did you hear about Saving Hope Animal Rescue? *
Why are you adopting the specific rescue animal you applied for? *
What is your name on Facebook? *
Our fees vary, usually from $150-$300. It covers over $500 worth of vetting. Our average cost per animal is $700. Any donations beyond the adoption fees are greatly appreciated